Do you have resources on developing Resiliency that you would like to share with our ICFLA community? The purpose of this page is to create an opportunity for ICFLA members to do just that!


  • You must be a full ICFLA Member to post your Resiliency resource
  • Once you complete your submission, we will review it, and when approved it will be posted to this page
  • Resources posted on this page do not imply endorsement by ICFLA

To post your Resiliency resources:

  • Complete the following form: Click here
  • Allow up to five (5) days for your event to be posted on the Resiliency page which is housed under Resources tab on the home page


Resources Categories


People who are self-aware take accountability for dealing with transitions and recognize they cannot change or blame others when experiencing shifts. It involves a high level of self-awareness around personal values, emotions, thoughts, personal strengths, and development areas.  Resilient people use this insight to effectively manage themselves and their relationships with others. They focus on what they can control instead of spending energy and time on things outside their sphere of influence.



People who are socially connected understand the importance of their interpersonal and professional network of relationships. This person is able to develop long lasting supportive relationships and can easily share feelings with others in their close network. They are able to reach out to their network to seek help, problem solve, and share ideas as needed. They participate in activities with others to let off steam and unwind.




People with strength are keenly aware of changes occurring in the world around them and are able to anticipate upcoming transitions. They exhibit mental and emotional flexibility. They tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty and adapt quickly to new developments. They are able to easily and smoothly regroup, rethink, and redefine next steps when unexpected change comes their way. They are strong while at the same time, gentle and focused on creating win-win situations by paying attention to meeting their personal needs while attempting to meet others’ needs.





People who are self-assured have a high level of self-confidence. People with self-assurance and self-esteem have a healthy self-concept, know how to maximize their strengths and minimize their development areas. They also understand that while the world is complex and challenging, they have the capacity to learn from the opportunity and to succeed despite the challenges. They tend to be optimistic and trust their abilities to deal with difficult situations.





Resilient people are able to create structures and methods to bring order and stability to changing situations.  People who show this strength focus daily on what needs to be accomplished and set realistic goals for themselves. They have the capacity to break down goals into manageable tasks to accomplish within a concrete timeline. They are able to prioritize tasks and usually follow some sort of “to do” list.





Problem solving entails having a creative curiosity. Resilient people ask many questions and want to understand how things work. They have the ability to analyze and break apart complex problems and identify the root cause of a problem in order to create lasting solutions. They feel able to effectively solve most problems. They view problems from a systems perspective by recognizing the relationship of a problem to other interdependent issues.





People who are socially competent demonstrate the ability to build and maintain effective relationships with others even during disagreements or times of stress. People with strength find it easy to empathize with others. This involves the ability to listen with the intent of understanding by seeing things through others’ perspectives, even if they disagree. They value diverse beliefs and approaches and find ways to adapt to different personality types and approaches.





Resilient people proactively engage change and take focused, meaningful action. They tend to concentrate their efforts on what is within their control in an attempt to shape the situation according to their vision. They are assertive and believe they are responsible for being the masters of their own destiny versus blaming others for their situation.



Resilience Facets and Definitions Courtesy of Rachel Karu’s Self-Resilience Indicator. Copyright 2020:  Steppingintomore