Special Interest Groups

ICFLA’s Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are designed to provide coaches with an opportunity to learn and grow in targeted topics of interest. Regardless of your coaching experience or familiarity with the topic or ICFLA, we welcome you to our interactive community. Register or mark your calendar for the SIG dates by topic listed below.

Build Your Business SIG

Host: Gretchen Hydo, MCC

Schedule: 2nd Thursday from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm PT

2024 Dates

  • September 12th
  • October 10th

Have you ever heard the saying, “The results that you have are perfect for the system that you’ve created?” This saying rings true in all areas of your life, and especially in your business. Many coaches love coaching but have no idea how to launch or maintain a successful practice. Marketing scares them, and they feel overwhelmed by becoming an entrepreneur who suddenly has to create sales, an online presence, and keep on top of the day-to-day tasks of running a business. They say they want a successful coaching practice but aren’t sure how to get there. This Special Interest Group focuses on business development, how to find clients, what to charge, what to say, how to raise your confidence, and ways to grow your business. Bring your questions to this interactive 60 minutes as your questions and participation fuel this group. 

Coaching Supervision Group

Host: Courtney Birch Webster, CPCC, PCC

Co-Hosts: Paul Sanbar, PCC, ESIA & Alexis Chamow, MFA, PCC

Schedule: 2nd Wednesday of various months from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm PT

2024 Dates

  • September 11
  • November 13


Coaching Supervision is a collaborative learning practice to continually build the capacity and mastery of the coach through reflective dialogue for the benefit of both coaches and clients.

Whether you are a newer coach or an experienced one, you will find a welcome and resonant space for you and your peers to gather and reflect.

Before the session, we invite you to consider if you have an active client case or a theme you’ve noticed in your coaching to discuss and reflect on together. That said, if you’ve never experienced coaching supervision or aren’t sure if your case is appropriate, come anyway to learn and grow!

"I loved this session and will be back. Having a diverse and dynamic supervision group is powerful, and I learned more about both myself and other coaching situations that I had not contemplated." - SIG attendee


: Tom Henschel

Schedule: 2nd Friday from 9:00 am to 10:30 pm PT

2024 Dates

A self-directed learning group exploring coaching situations involving a coach, a client, and an employer. Come join our diverse, welcoming community as we support each other to elevate our executive coaching skills and impact.

"Every Executive Coaching SIG brings great value!” - Georganne Ford

"I “attended" my first Executive Coaching SIG with the great Tom Henschel (copied!) and I was BLOWN AWAY how fantastic it was. I can’t thank the organization enough for this powerful resource and community.

I have “attended” in quotes because I have a standing meeting every month exactly during that time and have suffered for over a year as a fairly new executive coach wanting to attend.

At the last ICFLA chapter meeting (which I’m exceptionally glad I attended), Tom made the suggestion to sign up for the SIG and listen to the recording if I couldn’t make it. THAT was a game changer. Whoever made that possible for members was brilliant! THANK YOU!!

Again, this was one of the MOST valuable ICF events I have attended and chock full of value, resources, and my people! 🤓

THANK YOU all, and thank you, Tom, for leading with heart, commitment, inspiration, and off-the-charts value! 🙏🙌" - 
Ted Whetstone, ACC



Hosts: Damian Goldvarg, Ph.D., MCC, CSP, ESIA / Carrie Williams, MCC

Schedule: Mastermind - 3rd Wednesday from 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm. Regular sessions 3rd Wednesday from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm; the 2nd Wednesday in Nov/Dec. 

The MCC Mastermind will meet on even-numbered months for 90 minutes, and every participant will have time to explore and get support every session.

A Mastermind is a group process in which participants bring personal and business goals, and colleagues support each other by brainstorming and sharing resources, strategies, and experiences.

You must commit to being present in at least 4 of the 6 sessions to participate. If we have more than 9 people confirmed, we will divide them into 2 mastermind groups.

The MCC Group SIG will meet on odd-numbered months for 60 minutes.

This SIG is only for members who have achieved their MCC credential.

2024 Dates

  • August 21
  • September 18
  • October 16
  • November 13
  • December 11

The Master Certified Coach (MCC) is the highest level of coach certification offered by the ICF. As of 2020, there were only 1,258 MCC-accredited coaches in the world. This group is for MCCs to meet and learn from each other. We will discuss challenges, coaching trends, and how to advocate for the development of the coaching professional practice worldwide.

Group & Team Coaching

Hosts: Maribel Aleman, PCC and Dominique Mas, PCC

Schedule: 3rd Tuesday from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm PT

2024 Dates:

Per your request, ICFLA has launched a Group & Team Coaching SIG! Come join us to learn more about how to develop, launch, and maintain a successful group or team coaching program!


Host: Desiree Briel Rodi, ACC

Schedule: 4th Tuesday from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm PT

2024 Dates

We will explore and spend some time together looking at the importance of emotions and feelings, models for labeling them, and various definitions and explanations of the purpose of emotions. We will also discuss our own comfort with emotions and how to leverage emotions in coaching.

Career Coaching SIG

Host: Tiffany Dedeaux, PCC

Schedule: 3rd Thursday from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm PT

2024 Dates:

Cracking the code to accrue those ICF coaching hours while on the job as a Career Coach can feel like trying to solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded. You don't have to figure this out alone!

Navigating the difference between advisement, coaching, and consulting can be tricky, but together we will work to translate expert advice and theory into practical strategies that can help you meet -- or at least better understand -- credentialing standards.

Led by Tech Career Coach Tiffany A. Dedeaux, PCC, CPRW, this group will address:

  • How to develop and leverage coaching techniques while on-the-job
  • Why pursue an ICF coaching credential
  • Navigating a career advisement work environment as an ICF Coach

Each meeting will introduce a topic or technique that participants will explore in breakout rooms for deeper learning and more connection!

Tiffany became an ICF Member and Career Coach while pursuing her Masters degree in psychology. While looking for ways to apply her coach training she founded Sacred Time as a career services practice that helps mid-career professionals find confidence in any career curve. In addition to earning her ACC, PCC, and now pursuing an MCC, Tiffany has earned her Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) credential and has spent countless hours coaching and advising technical bootcamp grads while volunteering for the ICF Los Angeles chapter.

All are welcome to come as you are so that we can embrace this learning journey together!

Reciprocal Coaching SIG


Hosts: Patty Crabtree, ACC, and Nina Rubin, Certified Coach

2024 Dates:

  • September 16
  • November 12

Are you a dedicated coach looking to enhance your coaching skills, support your fellow coaches, or work toward your certification goals? Look no further!

Our Reciprocal Coaching SIG offers coaches the opportunity to connect, collaborate, and cultivate their coaching expertise in a supportive environment. We will review ICF’s Core Competencies, provide opportunities to practice coaching and connect with other coaches to create coaching dyads to further practice and enhance your skills.

Whether you are fine-tuning your questioning techniques, refining your active listening, perfecting your feedback delivery, or want to learn from other coaching styles, our SIG offers the ideal environment to exchange insights, learn from one another, and accumulate coaching hours. Let’s elevate our coaching prowess, one session at a time, and empower each other with ICFLA’s Reciprocal Coaching SIG. This virtual meeting is open to all ICFLA members.